This is the first time for me to use ENGLISH for blogging.
y so sudden? I also don't know WHY??!!!
well, what I want to say is......
The first place in my purchase list is PerFumE!
actually this is one of my wishes in new year since long time ago..
**eMmmm... around 1 yr ago**
however, sadly, I always in uncontrolled mode.. spending as much money $$ as i have on the time..
result in, I have no more money to get what i really want! it's really a bad habit, *ya, i know, but i really can't control myself to spend lots money on unuseful stuff**sorry daddy, sorry mummy..T..T**
start from NOW! I would like to set my target
*ya, i have said it long long time ago also xp**
The current PerFumE which I L❤VE the most is Gucci brand..
And the first choice in between Gucci series... Deng Deng~~
Gucci Flora

I tried the smell before at SaSa, it's damn great and attractive. The smell is more suitable for matured style female but i really LOVE it so so much! even it's quite a old series, i think. xp
I haven't doing research on it's price since I even don't have enough money to pay my car saman**OMG**
well, luckily I have a friend who is professional in PerFumE, so i just ask her view when I really buy it!
The second choice is
E nvy Me by Gucci

As what you can get from the design, it's sweet and soft.. quite a charming fell.. i think that it's useful to improve myself to be girlish since i always be complained that as a girl, i lack of it! *sob sob*
Both of these are suitable for matured female actually so are they suit me?
Don't border it! Coz' i really love them so much! and I wish to change my style to be matured, right? so.. it's Cool for me!
pray for me so that i can control myself more for spending money.. no sing-k? no shopping? no bowling? no L4D2? it sounds like quite a hard mission for me.. haiz...
CHEER UP, girl!^..^