
As what I mentioned last post, I moved house for three times within two year in my KL campus life. My stuff is only the clothes, so moving house is an easy job for me actually. Last Wednesday, I moved again. Same house; but different room. Yea, from the super small room to the medium room. The recent room is the biggest one that I stayed ever. Quite excited and I much!

We moved after seperate with FunFun. Can you imagine how tired we were? But we have no more time to move after this, I have to work for part-time during weekend and Master Ho starts to work on Monday.

So, we still move on even we were exhausted.

We spent 2 hours to clean the room. Exaggerating? No! It's true. Due to the  smell be left by the Ex-Master of the room, we need to spend more time to clean the room until 99% clear. I can't survive with his super unique smell, It kills me a lot. After cleaning, we started to move our stuff. When the moment to move Master Ho's wardrobe, he just willing to pack his old fashion clothes. His super old fashion clothes occupied half space of the wardraobe! There was no more space for me to hang my clothes. sweat*

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New Room ♥

Can you see the space available in the room? I never have those space before! It can fit one more mattress! So, Funfun, LingLing and Irynn, waiting for you to stay overnight with me again ya! Master Ho already measure the space and it's enough to put a Mahjong table and play there. So, anyone who love Mahjong and free at weekend, you're very welcome. =]


But the only thing that I dislike is a small part of the decayed wall. It makes me feel that It's dirty and don't dare to close with. Plan to buy the wall paper to stick on it. Who knows where can I buy the cure wall paper?

Hello Kitty picture is the best.

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Decayed wall :'(

Anyway, I feel fresh and good when get into new room. Won't be too hot here. However, the unique smell by Ex-Housemate is still here. Spraying few times of AmbiPur and Perfume is still no work. Hate* Heading to LovelyLace to get lots of sachets soon.

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Master Ho said Lao Tan is excited in new room ♥

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The first sight once I wake up from dream ♥





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