Yv★tte's Insta-gram

Working for PC EXPO last weekend. For me, PC EXPO is just smaller type of PC Fair.

Well, I spent many 'first time' to my whole-hearted Sensonic.

The first time to work, the first time to shout loudly in front of the public,

The first experience to work together with a big gang of friends,

The first time to have interested in PC accessories,

The first time to feel that I can present well too,

The first time to celebrate friend's birthday at PC Fair,

The first time to feel satisfied in my work *although it's only part-time-job*,

The first time to work at MidValley, and,

The first time to reach MidValley by public transport.

Come back to the topic,

This was the first time for me to work in very small group, me and LingLing. Honestly, it made me sad. It made me miss my last gang a lot, especially Annlyn and FunFun. *tears dropped*

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Moi & LingLing ♥

Still, luckily to have LingLing to accompany and the four cute and clever 'kids' to be with me along the way to MidValley.KTM made us to wake up at 7.3Oam so that we could reach there before 1O.3Oam. Hope that there are higher frequency of KTM as LRT.

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Before Starting ♥

I was getting another job scope during PC EXPO so temporary being seperated with LingLing and the others *sob* and I was standing near the main entrance alone. *sob sob*


My face getting rounder, I know

Went back earlier than PC Fair, maybe not much chit-chat at there without my big gang *tear drop again* Me and LingLing didn't have lunch during working so Master Ho brought us to lunch a.k.a dinner a.k.a supper at Wangsa Maju area. Thank you so much, Master Ho. Appreciate it. Learn to apprecuate recently ^^


supper time! ♥

I was really lonely and tired during working. My job scope was standing at the concept booth and explain some Hot Sales products to the consumers. Honestly, there were not much consumers would come to you and listen to it. They even asked you where the way out! *faint* I was willing to present and sell the products rather than keep quiet for whole day. Boring!

However, many people 'visited' me while my lonely time. Especially thanks to LingLing, she accompanied me and replaced me once she was free. Some more I kept texting her to ask her this and that. Apologize on it, too.

Chicken Little a.k.a Ah Han a.k.a Yan Han Original, Ah Chong gorgor, Hody, Jason Gege, Mr.Stanley and Likah are in my thank-you-so-much list. Thank You!!! Appreciate it. Oh Yeah, the ThunderMatch mascot--Tiger was one of my guest also.

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Moi & T-Tiger ♥

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T-Tiger & LingLing

Went back to the booth at last day to hit the sales. It's great that LingLing led the team to hit over the target! *clap clap*

Appreciate the working hard of the team. Let's introduce our Hero(s)!

*I didn't take much photo with the gang, so grab them from LingLing and Kantha' FB =p*


LingLing, The cuttie-st one ♥

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Farhan & Kantha ♥

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Kakak Cantik & LingLing ♥

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Kantha & Kakak Rubena ♥

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Rahizuan & Kantha ♥


MCL vs ThunderMatch ♥

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The Expert Mouse Team ♥

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The Profesional GPS team ♥

There are the photo with Ah Han, Ah Chong Gorgor and Hody by Ah Han's baby Canon 55OD pix, waiting him to upload then upload again to here.

So, what we did at the end? Photo Session again!!!

Sensonic is the best!.jpg

Farhan, you're so enjoy huh! ♥

say Cheese~.jpg

All of us ♥ two sweeties in the middle

Do you realise? We're 1 M

Many realistic people might ask me "they didn't hire you with a high salary, why you willing to work for them for so many times?"
I smiled, didn't answer. I had lots of memories here, and it can't be
denied that I'm happy to
work with them, the MCL and ThunderMatch full-timer who care us a lot.
Those memories can't be measured by money matter. It's a stupid thought
for you, but sensibility can influence me to do the right decision.
This is the way I am. so, please stop to asking me the same question!



Imma Exhausted




Imma Tired


Last Day .jpg


but Imma Happy






























The 6th Sensonic' pass collected

wish that it wouldn't be the LAST

-The End-

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*Thx to Ellyn babe*

Yvette 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

  • Nov 10 Wed 2010 14:22


My Master Ho gets a new job at our area already! 

So, I accompanied him to go Pavilion for getting formal shirt, and It's time for me to get Chatime finally!

Heard about Chatime for long time ago but still can't get a chance to taste it, okay, I'm really out-dated..><

FunFun was the one to follow to Pavilion too, she absented at the end due to headache. *Darling, you must take care yourself more ya*



We started to go around 2.3Opm, the road situation was satisfied, never block our way out. The driver always hates traffic jam to the Max and so the passenger-- me. =]

Straigh away to find the formal stuff once we reached. And finally getting 3 formal shirts and 2 suit trousers with less than RM35O at PaDinI! I always feel that Master Ho suits formal so much, He looks great with formal! *Love*

Oops, so sorry that no photo is available because I forget to shoot his formal look at fitting room.

Went to get a GreenTea-Redbean-Chocolate ice-cream-Shimino のクレープ(crepes) while waiting for trimming the trousers. Okay, I was regret to spend RM7.9O for one. It tastes bad for me! but still willing to try the other favor like strawberry and mango. They have higher ranking from blogger.


Shimino 原宿のクレープ


Met Sze Chee and her gang at Snokflake when going back to PDI to take the stuff. They went for Uniqlo as the first day opening. There was crowded and many still line up outside so I didn't go for it. I hate crowded. Some more I viewed the pix, most of the stuff are not my style. I'll seem like typical village girl once I wear their stuff. But I'm quite interested in their leggings, looks nice and creative. Maybe going to get one next few week. And mummy asked me to help her purchase one too, My mummy Legging too.

Before going back home, finally Master Ho brought me to get Chatime! Happy to the Max!!!


Pearl_Milk_Tea ♥

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YumYum on the way to back home ♥

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YumYum when driving ♥

FunFun and LingLing, spot his 'fake' double eye lid?

We met terrible traffic jam when going back. The driver's mood dropped but I was still happy with me Perl Milk Tea.

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Usual face that a driver shown during traffic jam, called died-fish-face


usual thing that a passenger do during traffic jam, especially the female passenger, pika!

Getting a message from my lovely Louise on the way to ask me have a meet at night. I was so excited for it since there was thousand years we never meet. Before it, switched to Pasar Malam to buy fake eyes lashes for working purpose. Girls need fake eyes lashes so much!

and finally meet Louise and her hubby at McD, the most convenient place with air-corn. She brought us some souvenirs from her travelling at Fujian, China. Sweet


Souvenirs from Louise ♥

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This is Jelly, cute right? Orange and Apple favorite

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Fruit Jelly. Orange and Strawberry favor


another Jelly Cup, the design is cute and unique ♥

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Cripsy Cookies ♥

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Peanut Cookies ♥

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Another Peanut Cookies ♥


Do you know what are these? Love it so much, tQ Louise

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Tea Leaf, Master Ho's favourite ♥


The special gift from Louise to EeLing a.k.a LingLing a.k.a 1O!

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The juicy QQ Jelly ♥

We found that the QQ Jelly is damn cute and the way to eat it is damn funny. You must squeeze it very softly so that it wouldn't drop out in long narrow piece as what Funfun did.


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Spokeperson 1-Funfun Sham


Take 1..Action!

  • Cute
  • Nice pose
  • Nice smile


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CuteSpokeperson 2

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Take 2...Action!

  •  ugly face without make up
  • silly pose with flat face features


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Spokeperson 3


Take 3...Action!

  • Cute
  • Cute Smile
  • Cute Pose


Congratulation to Ms.LingLing to be the spokeperson of QQ Jelly!

Went home at 12am++ because Hock Sin GorGor(Louise's hubby) had to work next day.. and Louise be the driver to fetch all back! Why? Hock Sin GorGor forgot to bring his wallet and so his IC and licenses!

The gather was really short, but so happy to meet Louise again. Wish our next gather will come soon, and hope that Annlyn can join us.

*Louise really looks alike with his sis with her new hair style, cute!* Love you!





-=Next: Working at PC EXPO=-



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As what I mentioned last post, I moved house for three times within two year in my KL campus life. My stuff is only the clothes, so moving house is an easy job for me actually. Last Wednesday, I moved again. Same house; but different room. Yea, from the super small room to the medium room. The recent room is the biggest one that I stayed ever. Quite excited and I much!

We moved after seperate with FunFun. Can you imagine how tired we were? But we have no more time to move after this, I have to work for part-time during weekend and Master Ho starts to work on Monday.

So, we still move on even we were exhausted.

We spent 2 hours to clean the room. Exaggerating? No! It's true. Due to the  smell be left by the Ex-Master of the room, we need to spend more time to clean the room until 99% clear. I can't survive with his super unique smell, It kills me a lot. After cleaning, we started to move our stuff. When the moment to move Master Ho's wardrobe, he just willing to pack his old fashion clothes. His super old fashion clothes occupied half space of the wardraobe! There was no more space for me to hang my clothes. sweat*

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New Room ♥

Can you see the space available in the room? I never have those space before! It can fit one more mattress! So, Funfun, LingLing and Irynn, waiting for you to stay overnight with me again ya! Master Ho already measure the space and it's enough to put a Mahjong table and play there. So, anyone who love Mahjong and free at weekend, you're very welcome. =]


But the only thing that I dislike is a small part of the decayed wall. It makes me feel that It's dirty and don't dare to close with. Plan to buy the wall paper to stick on it. Who knows where can I buy the cure wall paper?

Hello Kitty picture is the best.

the wall .jpg

Decayed wall :'(

Anyway, I feel fresh and good when get into new room. Won't be too hot here. However, the unique smell by Ex-Housemate is still here. Spraying few times of AmbiPur and Perfume is still no work. Hate* Heading to LovelyLace to get lots of sachets soon.

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Master Ho said Lao Tan is excited in new room ♥

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The first sight once I wake up from dream ♥





-=Next: Pavilion and McD=-

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Come back here again after working at PC EXPO for three days. Apologize for the post delayed.


Went to saloon on last Wednesday, I was not the one who cut hair but is my little FunFun. She would like to cut a totally fresh and new hair style since she maintained the same hair style for almost two years.

At first, she wanted to cut at Wangsa Maju(my living area) after having lunch together but Master Ho had to go job-interview at Genting Klang(my ex-living area, Yea, I moved house for three times within two years) so we decided to have our meal and cutting hair at GentingKlang.

Before heading to GK, Master Ho asked FunFun to drive. I was like 'Huh?! Sure?'

Okay, Wish that we could reach there safely. *praying*

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She was so concentrate ♥

I sat at the back, honestly, I was a bit worried because it's not easy to make a U-turn at GK since there are a lot of high speed car. Their right legs like uncontrolable to step the accelerator to the Max.

To all the lovely drivers, please stop to speed up you car, it's super dangerous. It harms your life to the high danger and also the others. Think about your family and yourself when driving.

And the most important, all the passengers have to seat your safety belt even it's only a short distance. We never expect when the accident comes to us.


Am' a responsible passenger ♥ How about you?


Outfit of the Day *Casual*

Reach GK safely and FunFun succeed to parking as her first time to do parking, clap clap for her! I even don't dare to park till now. Master Ho taught and trained me but I'm stupid in driving. I'm failed. :'(



Today's Rider ♥

After the meal, Master Ho interviewed and FunFun cut her hair. PSP is my best friend at the time! Get a new game-- Bleach by Master Ho and I was addicted in it!  

Going to CC after that as what Master Ho wished. Dota is the guy's choice, how about girls?


L4D2!!!! ♥

The time came to late and it's time to back home. It's a simple day although we only hanging around at our area, but I was happy, too. It's a long time since last meet with FunFun. But it's a bit sad that LingLing, Annlyn and Louise were not around. All of us are no longer study anymore and most already go back to their hometown to start a new life. So, it's really hard to make five of us gather together again. 

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So, I catched up every time to take photo once meet with my babes. Still, I know our hearts still link between each other, we never been broken. Just like with Secondary School babes, my love for them never been less, although it's really a long time that we lost contact.

It's fate, I feel glad to know 3 Secondary School babes and 4 Campus Darlings. I never feel lonely when you're being with me.  

I love you.


Lastly, it's a MUST to show you the short hair Funfun!! Cute right?

in short hair .jpg







-=Next:Moving to a new Room & Gather with Darlings=-

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