Advanced diploma gets into 4th week and now only I start to ENJOY it!
but the 1st question is... Am I looks LC?
LC, is the most description from others towards me.
Since when, I accepted it, so i always thought that I'll be hard to get know new friends in AD *Advanced Diploma*.
God is blessing me, I get many new great friends which out of my expectation!
However, mostly are not from my class. You know why? because most of my classmates are already ex-KL branch, so they're not considered as my new friends although I not really know about them. *shame*
Turning back to my topic, those new friends bring me bad impression in my first sight. I felt they're LC. On the other hand, they thought our gang is LC too! *sorry for repeating the rude word =p*
By the way, it's great when we get know each other and chat well with each other in short period. Keep Going, guys! I wish it can make me enjoy my new campus life more! And, it's nice to meet you all, hope we cancooperate well and awesome job in even organizing==>our main goal of first sem!