The very short post for my first activity during my holiday/sem break will be. Do enjoy! ^^
The day of the last exam paper is the first day of my holiday, sounds good!
Without wasting the time, my gang straight away drove to Ms.Louise's house after exam to visit her. There was a very long time that we didn't meet after her wedding dinner. Miss her so so much!
Due to the big gang (not really big actually), we seperated into two cars: Ms.LingLing & Ms.Gigi *the sweet-est pair*
Lovely LingLing driving her bigbig Car ♥
Mushroom me sitting in the bigbig Car ><
I forgot to take the Gigi's car gang but I would like to say that, Ms.Gigi is fast driver! OMG~ We couldn't really catch her on the busy road. Handphone is always our best friend. It helped us a lot to follow Gigi to reach Louise's house finally. She is the only one who knew the way to our destination. SWT.
Louise waited us to come until she had not bath since woke up! *Touched ><*
Funfun joined us after that. I was so happy for that! Again, we met and chit-chat in a big gang. I miss the time...
What we did at Louise's house?
Activity 1: Taking photo
Okay, They said I look alike with this mushroom *faint*
Activity 2: Watching TV
We're lame, I know. We just couldn't control ourselves from the attraction of HK movie-- Can't Buy Me Love (a.k.a 公主嫁到), especially for us who was under stress from exam at least one month, we were SAVED!!! So...
Can you spot me? I was sleeping but not watching actually because I felt sick and I was so TIRED! Exam is really cruel to kill people slowly...
Activity 3: Hair-Do
As your information, our sweetie Gigi is Pro in Hair-Do, known as 髮型達人 among us. Just give her less than 10 mins, she can create the DIY hair style for you. Don't believe it? Let me prove it to you!
Annlyn's ♥
LingLing's ♥
Louise's ♥
Gigi took around 7 mins to finish each hair style, under the situation of lacking hair band and hairpin. It's quite professional for me. Actually she did one for me on my fridge, but I feel shy to upload it. I really look Noob and funny with it since I don't have long hair. Long hair is always the most suitable to do nice hair style. So, those girls with long hair, don't waste your talent to make yourself look better and special! ♥
Appreciate to the dinner by Louise's mother-in-law. There was a nice meal for us! The dishes made us..Yummy Yummy~
Went back to home around 7.30pm, without tear but with a big warm hug. Don't know when can we meet up again when Annlyn would go back to her hometown soon and never come back to KL anymore. Anyway, I really Love you all. I feel free and warm when being together with you, You just like my family and my elder sisters to protect me and care me all the time.
Wish to meet you A.S.A.P ya!
-Next: Popular Book Fest-